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Why should we care about what @Susan thinks of stevia?

Insights from IFT Wellness 2014

Why should we care about what @Susan thinks of stevia?

By Maggie Hennessy

Despite a trend toward reduced sugar consumption in the US, many Americans are still getting far too much added sugar in their diets. But how do consumers really feel about sugar? And how should manufacturers address sugar and sugar reduction efforts...

Pea protein: From fringe to mainstream?

Special edition: Nuts, pulses and legumes

No picnic: Is pea protein moving from the fringe to mainstream?

By Annie Harrison-Dunn

Pea protein may be moving in from the food and beverage fringes, however formulating with the fast-growing ingredient is 'no picnic' according to functional confectionery firm Carmit.

From Red Bull to Big Red: Beverage industry veteran talks energy, classic soda and why Sparkling Ice should inspire us all

From Red Bull to Big Red: Beverage industry veteran talks energy, classic soda and why Sparkling Ice should inspire us all

By Elaine WATSON

The energy drinks market has become more segmented in recent years, but relentlessly negative PR, a flurry of lawsuits and an FDA-probe have not dampened consumers’ enthusiasm for the original caffeine-fuelled formulas, says one beverage industry veteran.

Don’t tax my soda! Study shows consumers put choice first

Don’t tax my soda! Study shows consumers put choice first

By Maggie Hennessy

First Lady Michelle Obama has called it “liquid sugar” and the World Health Organization warns that much of our sugar intake is “hidden” in processed food and beverages such as soda (a 12-ounce can contains 10 teaspoons). As public health officials continue...

Ron Levine:

Labeling laws shouldn’t be decided in court: F&B attorney

By Maggie Hennessy

With more and more class-action lawsuits against the food and beverage industry making headlines, FoodNavigator-USA caught up with an attorney specializing in complex corporate litigation to discuss the proper role of the courts, the shorter window for...

Boomer retirees present continued huge opportunity, report says

Boomer retirees present continued huge opportunity, report says

By Hank Schultz

Baby Boomers, who have driven the growth of the natural products and dietary supplements space in recent decades aren’t done yet. A recent report from the Natural Marketing Institute says the impending retirement of millions of boomers will present a...

How should the industry tackle sugar reduction?

Insights from IFT Wellness 2014

How should the industry tackle sugar reduction?

By Maggie Hennessy

Attending a series of sessions on sugar reduction during the Institute of Food Technologists’ (IFT) 2014 Wellness conference, a few common themes kept resurfacing: that obesity remains a big problem, and that—like it or not—the sugar industry is assuming...

JBS sees profits rocket

JBS announces profit jump in 2013

By Georgi Gyton

Global meat company JBS has revealed net profits increased by 28.9% to BRL926.9m ($403.75m) in its full-year results for 2013.

Kellogg and the BCTGM will now present their evidence and arguments to a NLRB administrative law judge

Kellogg v BCTGM

NLRB issues complaint against Kellogg over Memphis lockout

By Kacey Culliney

The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) has issued a complaint over Kellogg’s Memphis plant lockout, based on federal charges brought forward by the Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco and Grain Millers (BCTGM) union.

Mars to take on 200 new employees at M&M's and Snickers plant

Mars opens $270m US factory

Mars Chocolate North America has opened a new facility in Topeka, Kansas, to produce M&M’s and Snickers.

It's very common for larger companies to have both a master contract and local contract, a common point of confusion, says an attorney

Kellogg v BCTGM

What will this Memphis contract war come to?

By Kacey Culliney

A labor attorney says there could be a number of reasons behind the Kellogg-BCTGM contract dispute and now that the National Labor Relations Board is involved, worse-case scenario it could end up in the US Supreme Court.

Kellogg claims the employment terms at Memphis fall under a local contract that expired in October, 2013 and can be negotiated on, but the BCTGM argues they're covered in a master contract that doesn't expire until 2015 and therefore cannot be negotiated on

Kellogg v BCTGM

Kellogg v BCTGM: Contract wars over Memphis lockout

By Kacey Culliney

The BCTGM union has accused Kellogg of acting outside the law in its lockout, claiming employment terms held under a master contract can’t be negotiated, but Kellogg says the terms fall under a local, supplemental contract which expired last October.

Omega-3 content sets walnuts apart from other tree nuts

Special edition: Nuts, pulses and legumes

Omega-3 content sets walnuts apart from other tree nuts

By Hank Schultz

Now that the mania about fat in the diet is mostly over the story has become that some fats are good. And as far as fat-rich tree nuts go, the story is: They’re all good. But walnuts have a leg up on their tree nut competitors in that they are the only...

Energy drinks on fire, but diet soda still in a funk, says Wells Fargo as Coke and Pepsi battle to 'reinvent' cola

Energy drinks on fire, but diet soda still in a funk, says Wells Fargo as Coke and Pepsi battle to 'reinvent' cola

By Elaine Watson

Diet soda sales remain in a funk according to the latest Nielsen data, with dollar sales in the four weeks to March 15 plunging 7.3%. Regular soda fared somewhat better (+ 0.6%), while energy drinks (+8.3%) and sparkling water (+26.2%) continued to steam...

Doubling of pistachio harvest will increase nut’s use as an ingredient

Special edition: Nuts, pulses and legumes

Doubling of pistachio harvest will increase nut’s use as an ingredient


Pistachios – most associated with snacking in the consumer’s mind – could be finding their way into many a food product as an ingredient over the next few years, says the executive director of the American Pistachio Growers, as production is set to double...

The BCTGM claims Kellogg cannot negotiate on rates of pay, benefits or work rules on newly hired, full-time staff until 2015 when the master contract expires


BCTGM: Kellogg’s Memphis lockout is illegal

By Kacey Culliney

Kellogg’s Memphis lockout is unlawful because employment terms are covered by a master contract that cannot be negotiated ahead of expiry in 2015, says the Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers union.

“The snacking territory in the universe right now is probably some of the most exciting that we’ve seen given all the opportunities,


IRI on snacks 2014: ‘Consider this your transition year’

By Kacey Culliney

Snack firms should brace for a transition year shaped by new competition but brimming with opportunities in digital brand building and expansion, says a leading sector analyst.

The rise and rise of Dr Praeger’s Sensible Foods

The rise and rise of Dr Praeger’s Sensible Foods

By Elaine WATSON

The name - Dr Praeger’s Sensible Foods - may not sound very sexy, but the sales figures certainly are, says Larry Praeger, CEO of a frozen food firm enjoying double-digit sales increases year-on-year in a category where many players are struggling to...

Roasted and salted? Peanuts can be so much more, NPB says

Special edition: Nuts, pulses & legumes

Roasted and salted? Peanuts can be so much more, NPB says

By Maggie Hennessy

Sometimes it’s hard to think inventively about the ingredient that comprises half the ubiquitous peanut butter and jelly sandwich or is passed to us in small pouches on most airplane rides. But from flours and spreads to use as a legume, the potential...

InHarvest: Legumes, pulses steal spotlight from animal protein

Special edition: Nuts, pulses & legumes

InHarvest: Legumes, pulses steal spotlight from animal protein

By Maggie Hennessy

At the 2014 Research Chefs Association Conference & Culinology Expo, FoodNavigator-USA caught up with chef Michael Holleman, director of culinary development at artisan grain and legume supplier InHarvest, for a podcast Q&A on trends in pulses,...

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