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Smart Choices front-of-pack labeling under attack

Smart Choices front-of-pack labeling under attack

By Caroline Scott-Thomas

The industry-led Smart Choices front-of-pack labeling scheme has come under attack from nutritionists in the mainstream press this week, but program representatives say the coverage distorts its aims.

France approves high Reb A stevia sweeteners

France approves high Reb A stevia sweeteners

By Jess Halliday

The French government has approved the use of stevia sweeteners with 97 per cent purity rebaudioside A (Reb A), officially opening up the first EU market for products containing the much-anticipated ingredient.

Can a ‘fat tax’ on soda help beat obesity?

Talking point

Can a ‘fat tax’ on soda help beat obesity?

The controversial idea of taxing sugary soft drinks to combat obesity has been brought up again this week in a report from the Institute of Medicine. But is a soda tax fair? And can it do enough?

Climate change could devastate US crop yields: Study

Climate change could devastate US crop yields: Study

By Caroline Scott-Thomas

Climate change could result in severe shortages of two of America’s most important grains, according to the authors of a new study published online in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS).

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