Brands & manufacturers

OCA urges organic dairy industry to sever ties with IDFA

OCA urges organic dairy industry to sever ties with IDFA

By Jenny Eagle

The Organic Consumer’s Association (OCA), is calling on the organic dairy industry to cut ties with the IDFA (International Dairy Foods Association) because it is one of several trade associations suing Vermont over its GMO labeling mandate.

Red Bull offers $13m to settle false advertising lawsuit; 'No way judge will approve this', says attorney

Red Bull: 'All future claims will be medically and/or scientifically supported'

Red Bull offers $13m to settle false advertising lawsuit; 'No way judge will approve this', says attorney

By Elaine Watson

Red Bull has agreed to pay $13m to resolve a class action lawsuit accusing it of falsely advertising its energy drinks as providing functional benefits above and beyond what might be obtained from “a simple cup of coffee or a caffeine pill”.

Understanding the school food landscape

Insights into non-commercial foodservice

Understanding the school food landscape

By Maggie Hennessy

Public, private, religious, managed, self-operated, primary, secondary, university, trade school. Food manufacturers eyeing the massive school foodservice landscape have to first understand the animal they’re dealing with, according to the latest data...

Food industry is caught up in a promotional trap, Kraft CEO

Kraft: 'We have to unlearn what we believed to work in the past'

The food industry is caught up in a promotional trap, says Kraft CEO: ‘All of us have to realize it’s not the long-term way to run a business’

By Elaine Watson

Trade spending is not delivering in the way that it used to, and if the food industry wants to deliver profitable growth, it needs to reallocate resources into bigger and better innovations and brand-building - which “requires discipline”, says Kraft...

Mars claims solid plant fat holds the key to caramel water migration issues

Patent watch

Watertight idea? Mars files patent for multi-texture caramel

By Annie Harrison-Dunn

Mars has filed a patent for ‘multi-texture’ caramel products, using a method that prevents moisture migration from caramel to crispy components without the need for a fat-based moisture barrier.

Added sugar from soda, energy and sports drinks accounts for a fairly modest 4.9% of total energy in the American diet

Added sugars account for 14.1% of total energy intakes for Americans

What are the biggest contributors of added sugars to the US diet?

By Elaine Watson

While we tend to assume that fast food outlets (the bottomless soda cup) contribute a disproportionate amount of added sugar to the US diet compared with store-bought groceries, new data shows that the reverse is actually true.

Fortune 500 food co seeks help to make ‘shear-stable, flowable fluids’ from food pastes

NineSigma client wants to deliver edible paste via squeezable container

Mystery food giant seeks help to develop novel ‘flowable food pastes’

By Elaine Watson

A Fortune 500 food company is looking for a partner to help it develop squeezable 'flowable' pastes that don’t require consumers to use a knife to spread them, but still retain the same eating qualities, according to a posting on NineSigma’s...

Zola CEO: You can't engage just with 'likes'

Focus on social media

Zola CEO: You can't engage just with 'likes'

By Maggie Hennessy

When 13-year-old acai and coconut water manufacturer Zola decided to revamp its web presence to shift attention toward its growing coconut water line, founder and CEO Chris Cuvelier knew he risked losing some followers in the short term, but the long-term...

Co Yo CEO says it's time for non-dairy dairy section

Interview with Co Yo CEO Ian Johnson

Co Yo CEO: Maybe it's time for a 'non-dairy' dairy section

By Maggie Hennessy

The concept of a healthy diet is one that continues to evolve—as special diets gain more attention and consumers become more attuned to ingredient lists, the role of animal vs. plant fats and the growing fervor surrounding what’s considered natural. 

Jams, jellies go beyond toast

Culinary trendwatching

Jams, jellies go beyond smearing on toast

By Maggie Hennessy

Whether it’s bringing bold heat, blending unusual flavors, adding a punch of superfruit or cleaning up the label, Millennials are driving food trends on the supermarket shelf and shaking up the longtime pantry staple of jams and jellies in the process,...

Reasonable consumers might assume that this product contains primarily cranberry and pomegranate juice, say the plaintiffs. It doesn't.

Walmart cranberry pomegranate juice is mostly grape & apple juice, says lawsuit

Walmart sued over juice labels; echoes of POM Wonderful v Coke?

By Elaine Watson

Six weeks after the Supreme Court gave POM Wonderful the green light to sue Coca-Cola over its juice labels, Walmart has been targeted in a consumer class action lawsuit making near-identical allegations.

Professor David Kessler says the FDA needs to look beyond the Nutrition Facts label

Proposals don't consider a product's overall nutritional value, says professor

Former FDA commissioner: Nutrition Facts overhaul doesn’t go far enough

By Elaine Watson

FDA proposals to overhaul the Nutrition Facts panel on food labels are “strong” and “likely to make an important contribution”, says former FDA commissioner David Kessler, M.D. “But I believe they don't go far enough.”

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