
While plant-based foods are hot right now, high-protein meat-snacks such as jerky are also gaining momentum

Vegan, paleo, grass-fed, pasture-raised, ancient grains, and allergen friendly claims are gaining

From grass-fed to Paleo: What are the hottest trends in the natural food and beverages market?

By Elaine Watson

According to Chicago-based market research firm SPINS, US retail (dollar) sales of foods & beverages rose 1.7% in 2014, while unit sales declined by 0.4%. By contrast, sales of natural and organic brands grew nearly 12%. But where are the opportunities...

The previous status quo allowed crops to be grown anywhere in Europe following EU approval, although only one GM crop, Monsanto maize variety MON810, is grown commercially in the EU.

Member states back national bans for GM crops


EU member states have voted to allow national governments to ban or restrict cultivation of genetically modified (GM) crops even when approved at EU level, meaning the new rules will be written into law.

Green business procedures can save money in the long run advocates say

Green business procedures can save money in the long run, advocates say

By Elizabeth Crawford

Proactively assessing and minimizing the environmental impact of producing foods and beverages can help manufacturers minimize the impact of climate change on Earth and on their bottom line by improving the reliability of their supply chain, quality of...

Coconut sugar is made from the sap of flowers from the palm

Coconut sugar: The latest sugar alternative

By Niamh Michail

Coconut sugar is increasing in popularity because it is seen as being a healthier, more ethical alternative to sugar - but nutritionists remain sceptical of the health claims.

Sugar can be “powerful tool” to improve children’s diet, AAP

Sugar can be “powerful tool” to improve children’s diet, AAP

By Elizabeth Crawford

Added sugar in foods and drinks offers no nutritional benefits and contributes to the obesity epidemic by increasing consumption of empty calories, but it also can help children eat a balanced, nutrient-dense diet, according to the American Academy of...

Meat Institute slams 'flawed' DGAC Dietary Guidelines report

NAMI: Ten pounds of beef provides more complete nutrition than 10 pounds of rice

North American Meat Institute slams 'flawed' and 'nonsensical' advice on meat consumption in DGAC Dietary Guidelines report

By Elaine Watson

Recommendations in the Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee (DGAC) report on meat consumption are “flawed” and “nonsensical” and fail to recognize the role that nutrient dense lean meats can play in a healthy balanced diet, says the North American Meat...

DGAC: Diets that are higher in plant-based foods and lower in red and processed meats are better for you and the planet

DGAC: Public and private sectors must work together to achieve a population-wide culture of health

Dietary Guidelines for Americans should factor in sustainability, says DGAC report

By Elaine Watson

The Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee (DGAC) – an panel of experts tasked with developing recommendations about what Americans should eat – has submitted its report to the U.S. Departments of Health and Human Services (HHS) and Agriculture (USDA),...

Campbell reorganizes its portfolio, cuts costs to drive growth

Campbell reorganizes its portfolio, cuts costs to drive growth

By Elizabeth Crawford

Facing tepid earnings growth and changing consumer shopping dynamics, the Campbell Soup Co. will drastically reorganize its portfolio and cut at least $200 million in costs in the next three years, executives said Feb. 18. 

Consumers prefer homemade breakfast to RTE packaged goods

What's for breakfast? Reinventing the first meal of the day

Consumers prefer homemade breakfast to ready-to-eat packaged goods, Datassential found

By Elizabeth Crawford

When it comes to breakfast, the vast majority of Americans want something quick and easy at home, but surprisingly most people prefer to make their first meal of the day “from scratch” instead of consuming a ready-to-eat or heat-and-serve consumer packaged...

Campbell Soup unveils top 10 influential food themes for 2015

Campbell Soup unveils top 10 influential food themes for 2015

By Elaine Watson

From Filipino flavors to ancient grains, Campbell’s Culinary & Baking Institute (CCBI), a global network of chefs, bakers and culinary professionals, has released its second annual Culinary TrendScape report tracking the top 10 influential food themes...

The meat market must address price, safety & health concerns to grow

The meat market must address price, safety & health concerns to grow

By Elizabeth Crawford

The U.S. meat market is projected to grow 1.7% annually to $84 billion in 2018, but to reach its full potential it must overcome challenges, including concerns about price and safety and increasing consumer interest in plant-based foods, according to...

What are the hottest snacking trends to watch in 2015?

Meet the CEOs of KRAVE, Health Warrior, Fruigees, HUMAN and Barnana

What are the hottest snacking trends – and companies - to watch in 2015?

By Elaine Watson

With the percentage of energy derived from snacks in the American diet doubling since the late 1970s, the pressure is on to make those snacking calories count. But what is a healthy snack, and are the boundaries between snacks and meals blurring as consumers...

FDA finds some dark chocolate includes undeclared milk

FDA finds some dark chocolate includes undeclared milk

By Elizabeth Crawford

A new study revealing that a significant portion of dark chocolate products sold in the U.S. may contain undeclared milk could shake some consumers’ confidence in the industry in the week leading up to Valentine’s Day – one of the category’s most significant...

Healthy cereals could help category grow modestly in 5 years

What's for breakfast? Re-inventing the first meal of the day

Healthy cereals could help industry grow modestly in 5 years, IBISWorld predicts

By Elizabeth Crawford

After years of steady decline, the cereal industry could see modest growth in the next five years thanks to consumer interest in healthier, high-end cereals, product process updates, improved commodity prices and innovative partnerships with food service...

Contribute to the Food Vision Big Debate and win a free place at the event

Win a free place at Food Vision: Uniting nutrition and food. Cannes, France. March 18-20, 2015

Food Vision debuts Big Debates in Cannes

The 2015 Food Vision Big Debate will take place on 19 March 2015 during the truly global event for food and drink industry business leaders. It will be a highlight of the Food Vision programme, giving attendees the opportunity to have their say on the...

Eggs remain a breakfast constant, but how served is changing, AEB says

What's for breakfast? Re-inventing the first meal of the day

Eggs remain a breakfast constant, but how they are served is changing, AEB says

By Elizabeth Crawford

The iconic “all-American breakfast” combination of eggs, meat and a carb is getting an update to better reflect the increasingly diverse U.S. population, but consumers’ growing expectation to customize their food means what is hot in one region likely...

Post plans to revitalize PowerBar

Post plans to revitalize PowerBar

By Elizabeth Crawford

Post Holdings hopes to return the long-neglected and aging PowerBar brand back to its former glory by revitalizing its marketing, branding and product innovation in 2015, according to company executives. 

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