
Perfect Bar CEO: The refrigerated snacking category is on fire

Perfect Bar CEO: The refrigerated snacking category is on fire

By Elaine Watson

Getting retailers to give up valuable space in the chiller for nutrition bars was a tough sell when Bill Keith first started knocking on doors in 2006. Today, Perfect Bars are the third best-selling snack bar in the natural channel, and their success...

Photo: Whole Foods Market

Whole Foods Market buyers forecast top 10 food trends for 2017

By Adi Menayang

Whole Foods Market’s global buyers and experts compiled the trends to watch in 2017. From purple foods, to products from byproducts, to mindful meal prep, here are just a few top predictions according to the trend-spotters (you can catch the full list...

Photo: Walmart

Walmart tests gas station grocery pick-up concept

By Adi Menayang

Retail giant Walmart opened its second grocery pick-up and gas station hybrid store in Thornton, Colo., where shoppers can pick up their online order as they fill up their tanks.

(From L-R) - Johnathan Dimbleby (Chair). Dr Shini Somara, science broadcaster. Kaave Pour, creative designer at Space 10. Sara Roversi, co-founder, Future Food Institute. Prof Bryan Hanley, food specialist at Knowledge Transfer Network.

Tomorrow’s foods: How do you sway consumer choice and acceptance?

By Will Chu

The rise of alternative ingredients, technological innovations and new approaches to gastronomy all look to provide more sustainable sources of nutrition in the future. But as food is changing to keep up with the times, is there a limit to how much consumers...

© iStock/Klenova

Mediterranean diet faces triple threat: FAO

By Niamh Michail

The Mediterranean diet is being undermined by climate change, a misuse of natural resources and a brain drain which are damaging the social fabric of rural communities, according to a new book by the UN's Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO).

Source: iStock

NOSB votes to keep ‘GMO 2.0’ techniques out of organic

By Elizabeth Crawford

To protect organic crops and products form the “incursion” of rapidly developing genetic engineering, the National Organic Standards Board voted last week to recommend USDA expand and strengthen the definitions of excluded methods under organic regulations.

Brew Dr Kombucha: Revenues on course to reach $11million in 2016, says founder Matt Thomas

Kombucha and fermented beverages category grew 32% in year to October 2, says SPINS

Brew Dr Kombucha poised for growth as fermented trend gains momentum

By Elaine Watson

According to SPINS data*, retail sales of refrigerated kombucha and fermented beverages** surged 32% to $375.4m (natural, specialty, conventional multi-outlet) in the year to October 2, but with household penetration still very low, there is still significant...

Pros & cons of carrageenan weighed at NOSB ahead of vote to delist it

Pros & cons of carrageenan weighed at NOSB ahead of vote to delist it

By Elizabeth Crawford

Advocates for and against allowing organic products to continue using the non-organic thickener carrageenan argued their cases in front of the National Organic Standards Board Wednesday ahead of the advisory committee’s vote on the issue Thursday.

Wells Fargo: 'We expect Trump to pursue changes to limit the production of goods in foreign countries by US-based companies' (picture:

NAMI: ‘Failure to act on TPP will be potentially devastating’

What will Trump mean for beverages, meat, bakery? Wells Fargo, ABA and NAMI weigh in

By Elaine Watson

A Trump administration could herald more business-friendly tax policies, but it could also stymie food labeling, health and nutrition-related initiatives set in motion under the Obama administration, and create uncertainty for businesses with operations...

FOOD VISION USA Innovate or die, says Rabobank

FOOD VISION USA: Dude, where's my consumer?

By Elaine Watson

Many ‘legacy’ food and beverage brands are losing market share because they have “lost touch with where the consumer is going,” delegates at Food Vision USA were told.

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