Healthy foods

Menu labeling rules: A quick guide, plus industry reaction

Professor: 'Congratulations to the FDA for putting public health first'

Menu labeling rules: A quick guide, plus industry reaction

By Elaine Watson

The FDA released its much-anticipated final rules on calorie information on menus and vending machines today as part of the Affordable Care Act.

Sodium reduction: has all the low-hanging fruit been plucked?

60-second interview: Mel Mann, Director of Flavor Innovation, Wixon

Sodium reduction: Has all the low-hanging fruit been plucked?

By Elaine Watson

Food manufacturers are under increasing pressure to reduce sodium, but surveys suggest many shoppers are, well, not that bothered. So where does this leave firms plugging sodium reduction solutions? 

Brett Carver, Regents Professor at Oklahoma State University. Source: Whole Grains Council

Oldways Whole Grains: Breaking Barriers

5 myths about wheat and whole grains dispelled

By Elizabeth Crawford

The ideas that wheat is genetically modified, bred to have more gluten, is addictive and causes inflammation are “myths” that the Whole Grains Council wants to bust.

Salt substitutes help reduce blood pressure

Sodium reduction

Salt substitutes help reduce blood pressure

By Elizabeth Crawford

Efforts to reduce consumer blood pressure and risk of hypertension by replacing normal salt with blends of potassium chloride, magnesium sulfate and less sodium chloride are working, but may be more effective in countries where the majority of salt comes...

Is the high-protein craze backed by sound science?

Does the high-protein craze make sense from a nutritional perspective?

By Elaine Watson

Protein is hot - and big brands are piling more of it into everything from breakfast cereal to ice cream. Yet the Dietary Guidelines for Americans say “inadequate protein intake in the US is rare”. So does this trend make sense from a nutritional perspective?

The Pope said food was susceptible to manipulation by complaints of the economic crisis

Pope Francis: Food has been reduced to a commodity


Market pre-eminence has reduced food to a commodity subject to financial speculation, Pope Francis told attendees at a major nutrition conference in Rome this morning.

Special edition: functional foods

Functional Foods: The end of the processed foods era?

By Peter Wennstrom

To understand Functional Foods you must see it as a strategy to add value to processed foods, says the president and founder of the HealthyMarketingTeam, Peter Wennstrom, in this guest article.


Special edition: Functional foods

Phood booed: Why big pharma fails at functional food

By Julian Mellentin

Faced with mounting difficulties in their drug businesses, many pharmaceutical manufacturers are looking at getting into functional foods and beverages, notes food marketing expert, Julian Mellentin in this guest article.

Schools need manufacturers’ help to meet new whole grain requirements

Oldways Whole Grains: Breaking Barriers conference

Schools need manufacturers’ help to meet new whole grain requirements

By Elizabeth Crawford

The higher cost and lack of familiarity with whole grains are complicating some schools’ efforts to comply with requirements to serve 100% whole grains that went into effect last July, according to school dietitians.

Is sodium reduction falling down the food policy agenda?

Special edition: Sodium reduction

Is sodium reduction falling down the food policy agenda?

By Elaine Watson

Four years ago sodium was public enemy #1. The Institute of Medicine (IOM) was calling for the FDA to modify the GRAS status of salt and slash the daily value for sodium to 1,500mg, and the food industry was on high alert. Today, sugar is the new bogeyman,...

Source: Whole Grains Council

Whole Grains Council's Oldways Whole Grains: Breaking Barriers Conference

Sampling and positive messages in ads boost sales of whole grain products

By Elizabeth Crawford

The “best” way to change consumers’ long-held perception that whole grain products taste “like cardboard” and to spur sales is to give consumers a risk-free chance to try the products and use positive, educational marketing, food manufacturers said. 

Trade spending, the elephant in the boardroom?

Trade spending: The elephant in the boardroom?

By Elaine Watson

Tune into an earnings call from a big consumer packaged goods (CPG) company, and you’ll likely hear a lot of frustration over the ineffectiveness of trade spending. But is weary resignation (‘it’s just a cost of doing business') a constructive response?

Source: Whole Grains Council

Oldways Whole Grains Breaking Barriers Conference

Smartphone use among 5 key trends driving interest in healthy eating

By Elizabeth Crawford

Unprecedented access to information about foods through smart phones and social media is a driving factor in consumers’ increasing interest in healthy eating, according to a leading food culture researcher.

“A congress like this is a stimulus for organisations to reassess recommendations...”

Academic: "Anybody who thinks the world’s malnutrition problems are going to be solved without industry is dreaming."

Time for a vitamin E intake rethink? Emerging data builds argument

By Shane Starling from the 3rd World Congress of Public Health Nutrition in Las Palmas, Gran Canaria

Emerging research linking vitamin E deficiency with increased risk of Alzheimer’s, miscarriages and fatty liver disease can contribute to an ongoing debate around recommended intakes, a nutrition congress was told yesterday.

New measures approved by the EU today will mean greater flexibility for EU member states to restrict or ban the cultivation of genetically modified crops in their own territories

EU backs bid for national bans on GM crops

By Nathan Gray

Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) have voted to allow individual countries within the EU to ban the cultivation of genetically modified food crops on their soil, even if the EU has already approved them for wider cultivation.

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