Healthy foods

FDA wants tech ideas to fight foodborne illness. Picture: FDA/Flickr

FDA launches food safety challenge

FDA: We have a lot of answers, but not all of them

By Joseph James Whitworth

The US Food and Drug Administration is asking for potential breakthrough ideas on Salmonella in fresh produce with a total prize pool of $500,000.

High-protein diet may lower blood pressure

High-protein diet may lower blood pressure

By Maggie Hennessy

Despite that people in the West typically get more than enough protein in their daily diets, new research may further validate our collective protein obsession. 

If it says ‘coconut’, it sells: Trailblazer Foods

Trendspotter: coconut inclusions

If it says ‘coconut’, it sells: Trailblazer Foods

By Maggie Hennessy

As it ramps up flaked and shredded coconut production in anticipation of another holiday season, private label and branded grocery products manufacturer Trailblazer Foods says the growing popularity of coconut has resulted in a 12% increase in the amount...

Chia + garbanzo beans = The Neat Egg

Chia + garbanzo beans = neat egg

By Elaine Watson

Pennsylvania-based neat Foods has unveiled its latest innovation: neat egg, a combination of ground chia seeds and garbanzo beans shoppers can mix with water and use to replace egg in everything from cookies to pancakes.

Almond intake may lower heart disease chance in high-risk groups

Almond intake may lower heart disease chance in high-risk groups

By Maggie Hennessy

Eating a handful of almonds may help lower risk of coronary heart disease (CHD) in populations with abnormally high fat concentration in the blood (hyperlipidaemia), according to a study published in the British Journal of Nutrition.

Are you getting enough bang for your trade spending bucks?

More than half of CPG firms say their trade spending programs are 'ineffective'

Are you getting enough bang for your trade spending bucks? No, say CPG firms

By Elaine Watson

It will probably not surprise food & beverage CEOs to learn that most CPG firms responded with a resounding ‘NO’ when asked in a recent survey if they were getting a decent bang for their trade spending bucks. But why is there so much frustration?

Special K sales slump: 'Obviously there’s a concern… They need to do something to keep people interesting in the brand, says Mintel innovation head

Special K US annual sales slump 9.7%

By Kacey Culliney

US total sales for Special K dropped $56m for the year; a slump that could be rescued with lifestyle-focused NPD, says the head of innovation at Mintel.

Food brands missing the boat on digital couponing

Food brands missing the boat on digital couponing

By Maggie Hennessy

Although grocery lags other sectors when it comes to e-commerce, the effects of digital marketing are beginning to show, as a growing number of shoppers seek out coupons before and during store trips. But the majority of food brands have yet to shift...

"We've identified a bacterial population that protects against food allergen sensitisation"

Gut bacteria that protect against food allergies offer probiotic promise

By Nathan Gray

Common gut bacteria from the class Clostridia could prevent sensitisation to allergens in food, according to new research that may pave the way for probiotic products aimed at battling food allergies and intolerances.

Natural claim tarnished, but still meaningful: RD

Special edition: Natural & Clean Label Trends

RD: ‘Natural’ claim tarnished, but still meaningful

By Maggie Hennessy

Despite the legal hot water in which many manufacturers and retailers have found themselves in recent months over “natural” and its growing list of synonyms, the term likely won’t disappear from food and beverage product labels any time soon, as consumers...

Gluten-free market: what's next?

What new gluten-free product launches, market analysis tell us

The gluten-free definition has been standardized; now what?

By Maggie Hennessy

Aug. 5 marked the deadline for manufacturers making voluntary gluten-free label claims to ensure they meet the FDA’s definition of a gluten-free food (less than 20 parts per million of gluten). And while gluten-free product launches have risen every year...

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