Healthy foods

Matthew Sade, CEO Lyrical Foods (Kite Hill)

Kite Hill CEO: We want to change the entire dairy landscape

By Elaine Watson

If current trends continue, almondmilk will account for an astonishing 19% (dollar share) of the US retail dairy and dairy alternative beverages market in 2019, predicts Packaged Facts. However, plant-based products still only account for a tiny fraction...

FDA warning letter to Hampton Creek could trigger lawsuits

Letter shows FDA is serious about enforcing standards of identity, says lawyer

FDA warning letter to Hampton Creek could trigger new wave of lawsuits, predict attorneys

By Elaine Watson

While Unilever dropped a false advertising lawsuit over egg-free spread Just Mayo last year amid an avalanche of bad PR, the FDA has picked up where Unilever left off with a warning letter advising brand owner Hampton Creek it is playing fast and loose...

There is emerging evidence that the timing of food intake plays a much more important role in metabolism than previously thought, say researchers.

Night snacking woes: Is food timing is key to weight loss?

By Nathan Gray

There is a lack of top level evidence to support the notion that eating ‘little and often’ is beneficial for metabolism and weight loss, say researchers who warn that more robust clinical data that also accounts for meal timing is needed.

Health benefits, convenient format drive sales of Matcha green tea

IFT Annual Conference

Health benefits, convenient format drive sales of Matcha green tea

By Elizabeth Crawford

Matcha tea, known for its vibrant green hue, is hitting its stride in the U.S. where household penetration is currently low but sales are climbing double-digit year-over-year – representing significant consumer interest and growth potential, according...

Picture: Istockphoto: Daniela Mangiuca

Space... the final frontier for food science at Food Vision USA

By Elaine Watson

To boldly go... where no food conference has gone before? Space food is on the menu at Food Vision USA (we've lined up NASA on day three), but we're just as concerned about what we're eating here on earth, and whether food retailers are...

Local food movement spawns new advocacy group

Local food movement spawns new advocacy group

By Hank Schultz

Wresting local control of the food supply is an idea that continues to spawn advocacy groups.  The latest, called Local Food Shift, has cropped up in Colorado with the goal to launch a magazine as a way to spread the message and influence policy.

Alan Hahn, CEO, MycoTechnology: 'We noticed it right away... the gluten was gone'

Alan Hahn: 'We noticed it right away... the gluten was gone'

Could mushroom mycelium add a new dimension to the gluten-free market?

By Elaine Watson

Speaking to FoodNavigator-USA at the 2015 IFT show, MycoTechnology CEO Alan Hahn recalls the moment his team discovered that mushroom mycelium (roots) could virtually eliminate the gluten in wheat and other cereal crops.

Picture: Lubos Houska

GMA: 'HR 1599 protects the consumer from a costly and confusing 50 state patchwork of labeling laws'

House passes Pompeo bill that would prevent state-mandated GMO labeling

By Elaine Watson

The US House of Representatives has passed the industry-backed voluntary GMO labeling bill - The Safe and Accurate Food Labeling Act 2015 - by 275 votes to 150, and rejected all four amendments it was asked to consider.

 Chef Michael McGreal

Lights, camera, action! Edible insects in focus at IFT 2015

By Elaine Watson

No self-respecting food conference would be complete these days without a session on edible insects. But are they a gimmick or a serious source of alternative protein? FoodNavigator-USA editor Elaine Watson headed to the 2015 IFT show in Chicago to find...

DSM debuts enzyme ingredient designed to break down residual gluten

DSM debuts enzyme ingredient designed to break down residual gluten

By Hank Schultz

Consumers who are seeking to limit their exposure to gluten have another line of defense in a new product released by DSM. Called Tolerase G, the enzyme can serve to break down residual gluten in a meal before it can cause a reaction, the company said.

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