Health, wellness & nutrition

The ability to protect natural pigments via microencapsulation technologies has been a gamechanger in improving their stability, says CHR Hansen

60-second interview: Kurt Seagrist and Byron Madkins, Chr. Hansen

Chr. Hansen: The gap between synthetic and natural colors is closing all the time

Not so long ago the gap between the performance - and price - of natural vs synthetic colors was huge, but more efficient supply chains, advances in extraction technology and more sophisticated microencapsulation techniques have closed the gap considerably...

Annual quinoa producer prices at farm gate in Peru 2000-11 in real terms (2005=100)

FAO asks: Could quinoa become a worldwide staple?


Quinoa’s relatively high price compared to staple grains may restrict consumption to health-conscious consumers in high-income countries for now – but it could play an important role in food security in the long term, according to the FAO.

Early malnutrition hinders a person's development throughout their life

Bill Gates in YouTube world hunger debate

By Rod Addy

Bill Gates tackled global hunger in a live web debate on Friday (June 7), the eve of the Big IF London Hyde Park rally, part of the Enough Food For Everyone IF campaign against starvation.

Where do your products sit in the clean label hierarchy?

Natural & Clean Label Trends 2013

Where do your products sit in the clean label hierarchy?

By Elaine WATSON

If it sounds like a ‘chemical’, or isn’t in the kitchen cupboard, shoppers may regard it with suspicion. But which ingredients are 'acceptable' to today's consumers, which are to be avoided, and who decides? 

Twinings tea ‘antioxidant’ court row brews on in USA

Twinings tea ‘antioxidant’ court row brews on in USA


A US court says a class action alleging that Associated British Foods (ABF) brand Twinings broke the law by labeling green, black and white teas as a ‘natural source of antioxidants’ may proceed.

Clif Bar CEO: 'The protein trend is hot for men and women'

Big interview: Kevin Cleary, CEO Clif Bar & Company

Clif Bar CEO: 'The protein trend is hot for men and women right now'

By Elaine WATSON

Nutrition bars enter - and exit - the snacks aisle at the speed of light these days. So how has Clif Bar managed to sustain the kind of growth rivals can only dream of, year after year? Elaine Watson caught up with CEO Kevin Cleary to find out.

What nutrition information are restaurant goers looking for?

What nutrition information are restaurant goers looking for?

By Elaine Watson

While four out of 10 consumers say they are trying to avoid or reduce intakes of certain fats and oils, cholesterol, sodium and sugar, only one in 10 actually looks for this kind of information on menus when dining out, according to NPD Group.  

Awareness of probiotics growing worldwide, expert says

Awareness of probiotics growing worldwide, expert says

By Hank Schultz

Probiotics and their benefits have wide recognition in Europe and Asia, and awareness is growing.  This situation bodes well for growth in the US, while it will serve to buoy manufacturers and marketers of these products in difficult regulatory times...

Ingredients line up to support function of endothelial layer

Special Edition: New trends in heart-healthy foods

Ingredients line up to support function of endothelial layer

By Hank Schultz

The health of the endothelium, that thin layer of cells lining the blood vessels, is the front line for cardiovascular health.  And a variety of food and supplement ingredients are showing promise in supporting the function of this vital tissue.

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