Health, wellness & nutrition

Kellogg exec presents three tangible ways to improve the food system

Kellogg exec presents three ways to improve the food system

By Mary Ellen Shoup

With the global food system under significant pressure to keep up with the world's growing population, The Kellogg Company's SVP of global R&D and innovation Dr. Nigel Hughes presents how international food and beverage companies can take...

GOOD Meat and ADM partner to accelerate development of cultivated meat

GOOD Meat and ADM partner to accelerate development of cultivated meat

By Mary Ellen Shoup

GOOD Meat - a division of Eat Just, Inc. currently developing and producing cultivated chicken - has entered into a joint development agreement with global nutrition company ADM to accelerate the production of cultivated meat while driving overall costs...

Study: Do vegetarian diets impact growth outcomes for kids?

Study: Do vegetarian diets impact growth outcomes for kids?

By Mary Ellen Shoup

Children following vegetarian diets have similar growth and biochemical measures of nutrition compared to children consuming non-vegetarian diets, but are more likely to be underweight, according to a new study from researchers in Toronto.

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Blueberries show cognitive benefits in study

By Hank Schultz

A new study has suggested that whole blueberry powder provided cognitive benefits in older individuals with insulin resistance and a heightened risk of future dementia.

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