ADM Prebiotics, probiotics, and postbiotics… all in one snack
ADM - which supplies a wide range of ingredients used in meat alternatives, from plant-based proteins to colors, flavors, oils and fats, starches and texturants – showcased several prototypes at its booth including snacks featuring prebiotics, probiotics, and its heat-treated BPL-1 postbiotic.
Meanwhile, ADM is still feeling pretty bullish about the meat alternatives space, despite slowing numbers in the fresh meat case in US retail, said Allyson Fish, president, global plant and alternatives proteins.
“There are challenges the industry needs to address around taste, texture, and price, but we’re not really seeing any downturn in the market from where we're sitting. And we don't expect there to be a significant change in the trajectory or our expectation of growth in this industry in the next 10 years.” Photo credit: ADM