
Ben & Jerry's plans to source its future CBD locally from its home state.

Ben & Jerry’s announces intent for CBD ice cream launch

By Beth Newhart

CBD has not yet been fully legalized in the US, but Ben & Jerry’s is already for preparing for when it may be. The company released a statement committing to incorporating CBD into future ice cream innovations as soon as it is federally legalized....

Lidl to reach 100 US stores by end of next year


Lidl to reach 100 US stores by end of next year

By Mary Ellen Shoup

Lidl, a predominantly private label retailer, will open 25 new stores in Maryland, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, and Virginia by next spring. By the end of 2020, Lidl said it expects to operate more than 100 stores.

Gut reaction: How do you build a brand around digestive health?

Register for our FREE 60-minute webinar on June 19, 2019

Gut reaction: How do you build a brand around digestive health?

By Elaine Watson

Do all fermented foods contain probiotics? Do consumers understand what prebiotics are? Are shoppers looking for products that deliver a rapid and discernible effect (to tackle bloating/gas/constipation, or improve regularity) or are they focused on long-term...

Food, politics, and the 2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans

Food, politics, and the 2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans

By Elaine Watson

The 2015 Dietary Guidelines prompted a heated debate over the influence of industry lobby groups and the extent to which environmental factors should impact dietary advice, with some stakeholders insisting that sustainability has nothing to do with nutrition,...

Picture: Gettyimages-SLP-London

FOOD FOR KIDS: Yuck or yum? Product testing with children

By Elaine Watson

Do kids always prefer sweeter products than adults? And are children’s palates really more conservative, or have we ‘trained’ them to like a limited set of flavors (banana, chocolate, vanilla, strawberry) by playing it safe with new launches? And how...

Picture: Gettyimages/adrian825

'The number one consumer driver is natural or clean label, followed by glycemic index and keto friendly...'

Sweeteners in focus: Where next for allulose, stevia, isomaltulose?

By Elaine Watson

Are sugar alcohols losing their luster, will allulose take off, and is stevia still hot? FoodNavigator-USA caught up with Icon Foods, Cargill and Beneo to explore formulation trends as brands come under increasing pressure to reduce sugar and keep labels...

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